Underwater Mysteries

You may have noticed these mysterious questions on the classroom door over the last week. In Science the children have been starting to think about the characteristics that make some animals similar or different to others, particularly in relation to sea creatures in line with our seaside topic. They have written lots of clues to describe the animals hidden under the flaps. Can you read the clues and guess what the animals may be?



Safer Strangers, Safer Buildings

As the summer approaches and we spend more and more time enjoying the outdoors, it becomes ever more important to remind the children of ways to stay safe when they are out and about.

On Friday we had a lovely lesson thinking about what makes somebody a stranger and how we would recognise a safe stranger if we found ourselves in need of help.

A stranger is someone that we don’t know or don’t know well. Nearly all people are kind but there are a few number of people who might not be. You cannot tell whether a person is kind just by looking at them. We must never go anywhere with a stranger or do anything for them. It doesn’t matter what they say to us. We should always tell the grown ups who look after us if a stranger talks to us.

Safe strangers are people who wear a uniform such as policemen, fire fighters, traffic wardens or people who work in a safe building such as a library, a school or a shop.

After using role play to think about how we might respond if we are approached by a stranger, we made some posters to help teach the children in Miss Smith’s class and Year R how to stay safe. Here are some of them:

Meet our Toilet Twins!

Drumroll please………..

We are proud to introduce our new toilet twins as supported by the fundraising activities before half term. Once again, thank you to everybody for your amazing support. These photos will be displayed in the Year 1 and Year 2 toilets to remind the children that there are many people in the world who are not as fortunate as we are.